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Self-expression relates to but exceeds the scope of other qualities, yet it was not explicitly commented upon in any class. To some extent, self-expression is inherent in an individual's ability to influence events, and expressing an ascetic style relates, but self-expression involves a noticeable personalization of the project. In some senses, this personalization is a reflection of having truly internalized the tools and techniques of video production. It does not require that the project's subject be about oneself, though this is one way to achieve a degree of personalization. Self-expression, for instance, was evident in the projects with humor or satire. The clearest mark of self-expression is a sense of uniqueness, even if that uniqueness has arisen through collaboration. It can be the product of a group collectively expressing a valued message or using a valued technique.

Many constraints at Suburban and Urban Highs, however, worked in opposition to the development of self-expression whereas the structure given projects in the courses described by Goodman (2003) and Reilly (1998) promoted personalization. Nevertheless, students from each program used affordances to personalize their projects despite the lack of promotion. The most interesting part of “The Good, The Bad, And The Techies” was that it seemed to show self-expression in the choice of subject matter and intentions more than many other projects—partly because it did not adopt the production ideologies promoted by the course—but the students seemed to lack the skills and time needed to pursue their interests. Self-expression, like all the qualities, was not consistent within projects but frequently would rise for a moment before fading again.



