Appendix B: Focal Students and Focal Projects

The Students

A total of 41 students volunteered to have their video projects copied, but due to missing tapes and some members of groups choosing not to participate, the work of all students could not be included. Most students were interviewed but not all and the conditions of interviews were inconsistent. All face-to-face interviews of focal students included narration of some or all of their video work. Unless otherwise indicated, the pseudonyms were selected by students, and personal information was as described by the student during the interview.

Table B1

The Videos

Although 96 video projects were observed during the nine courses, only 16 were copied for analysis. Some videos that were not copied have been discussed based on field notes and memory because they made an impression; they stood out in some fashion and deserved noting, but the edited and unedited videotapes of volunteers were sought for closer analysis. Table X lists the 16 video projects, who worked on them, and what portions of the work was obtained for analysis. Missing work and additional projects were not obtained because they were lost and thus unavailable for copying.

Table B2

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